The Chickenloaf Papers: Stories from the Kitten Room
2000 :: june :: august :: september :: october :: november :: december

pretty white cat with a red bell

sunday, december 9, 2000


The cat always leaves her mark upon her friends.

~ Spanish saying

Yesterday morning just before Sugarlips was due to go to the PAWS Adoption Center for her routine weekend stay, I put this red collar with the shiny red bell around her neck. It was a gift to her for being an angel. She seemed to like it; she was all smiles.

Sugarlips looked lovely and Christmasy with that red bell twinkling against her snowy fur. Who could resist such a sprite? My gut feeling was that it was the last time we'd see her.

I was right. At the end of the day, we learned that Sugarlips had been adopted by a 23-year-old fellow. A young man with a good heart, smitten by a pretty white cat with a red bell.

Photo: Our last photo of Sugarlips

More about Sugarlips...
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