Also Goes By
Hay Stack; Marilyn Monroe; Frazzle Mouse; Shamless Puffery; Old Fluff Bag
More About Sugarlips
- Sugarlips: the kitten who had kittens
- Chapter 1.....Sugarlips
- Chapter 2.....Not Much Bigger Than Fish Bait
- Chapter 3.....Dreaming About Sleeping
- Chapter 4.....The Gift of a Sweet-Faced Cat
- Chapter 5.....MiniCats
- Chapter 6.....The Boy Who Cried Newts!
- Chapter 7.....Presenting the Kitten Photo Album
- Chapter 8.....Bup!
- Chapter 9.....Killer Fish! High-Speed Tree Surgeons!
- Chapter 10...Sit Still and Just Watch the Light
- Chapter 11...Vertical World
- Chapter 12...Mosh Pit
- Chapter 13...Bravo for Ringworm!
- Chapter 14...Pee-o-Rama
- Chapter 15...Presenting the Kitten Photo Album, Part II
- Chapter 16...Pork Boat, the Palm Rider
- Chapter 17...The Long Good-bye
- Chapter 18...Chat Cousteau
- Chapter 19...Ellipsis
- Chapter 20...Nosegay Forever
- Chapter 21...Pretty White Cat with a Red Bell
- Chapter 22...Turkish Van
- Chapter 26...Swimming Cats and the Fabulously Wealthy
- Chapter 27...A Holy River Man
- Chapter 28...Moray Eel Under the Bed
- Chapter 29...crank call
- Chapter 30...can of tuna & a little shove
- Chapter 31...the sweet speech of the perfectly sane
- Chapter's...
- Chapter 33...the longest poop stripe in history
- Chapter 34...inkblot
- Chapter 35...turtle basket
- Chapter 36...old fluff bag
- Mr. Rubber Porcupine is left out
- Little Chessie is the most like Mom
- Giving the Leg
- Sugarlips is plumping up.
- Ms. Lips, Art Teacher
Sugar Van Lips
Sugarlips The Bare Sugarlips Facts

Back yard of the Shitbox House
Approximately July 1999
- Art Teacher, Bassettville Academy for Dilletante Mammals
Culinary Preferences
Hairball Prevention Food
- Searching for her front claws
Heard on the Street
- "Yowl etc."

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