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say it soft and it's almost like spraying
may 01, 2003

The thing I could never figure out about West Side Story is, this guy runs through a Puerto Rican neighborhood in the middle of the night yelling "Maria!" And only one light comes on.

~ Late-night Comedian

Pia. That stands for Pain in the Ass, right?

~ Veterinary Assistant

Cat Song #243
(Sung to the tune of "Maria")

I just stepped over a cat who's named Pia...
Sprawled on the kitchen floor:
She's blocked the ice box door

I just tripped over a cat who's named Pia...
And one more time that name
Is synonymous with lame

Say it loud and the mules are braying!
Say it soft and it's almost like spraying...
I'll never stop muttering...


Note: Pia: feminine form of Pius, late Latin name meaning pious, dutiful.

More about Pia...

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