Also Goes By
Medium Rabbit; Chas; Chuckles; Mumzy Wumzy's Little Chuckie Wuckkie; Huckleberry; Boo Boo Bear; Boobs; Boozy Neck; Boozencrapper; Booze Nipples; Neckbone; Rupert Phipps; Rootie; Skankin' Charlie Two-Tone; Charlemagne; Medium Rabbit; Bad Man Scootie; Muzzy Fuzzymuzzle; Little Butchie Stearns; Butros Butros Butros Butros Butros
More About Charlie
- The dogs had horrible teeth and horrible toenails and horrible armpits
- The Stereo and TV in Charlie's Bachelor Apartment
- Charlie Wrecks the Oriole's Nest!
- All that was left from the mouse was from the waist down.
- b-b-b-b-b-blue moon
- Snake Axe
- Butros Butros Butros Butros Butros
- The Charlie and Chickenloaf Song
- Little Rabbit and Medium Rabbit
- Mr. Muzzlewhite, Science Teacher
- A Perfect Pussy, But Pudgy
Charlie MuzzleWhite
Charlie The Bare Charlie Facts

SPCA, 1992
June 1991
- Large-animal veterinarian, specializing in beef cattle
Culinary Preferences
Asparagus, Well Cooked
- Formerly bassist for The English Beat
- Bassist/lead musician for the jazz quartet Hairless Rex
- Bassist/lead musician for the ska group Skankin' Charlie Two-Tone and the Bread-and-Butter Pickles
Heard on the Street
"I'll say this -- Ben has talent. There aren't many two-year-old cats who can construct a Bb trumpet out of aluminum foil and then get decent range and tonality out of the thing.

Ben's musical genius was unquestionable. He had a killer understanding of pentatonics and a seventh sense for key change -- and he had innovative ideas. Playing 'MacArthur Park' without using valves and adding a heavy industrial percussion line with harp solos and a walking bass -- it was bizarre, but the thing is, it worked.

It's that kind of edginess that's missing in much of music today..."

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