the cats: ben | charlie | chessie | chickenloaf | gracie | little rabbit | nini | nosegay | pia | snooples | sugarlips | weakie Ben Also Goes By Ben Jamin; Poo Dung; Benjie Benjie Boing Boing Boing Boing Boing, etc.; Damnit Ben; Buckwheat; Ben Dover. Cherokee Name: Free To A Good Home More About Ben - In which Ben gets implicated in the Great Roundworm Mystery - Gracie Photographs Ben's Best Side - Ben doesn't know what a beak is. - Ben has his first near-death experience - Ben has his second near-death experience - Ben gives Gracie a Valentine - Ben has his third near-death experience - Ben has his fourth near-death experience - Ben has his fifth near-death experience - Rare Footage of Deep Throat - The Rubber Hands - Ben gives a talk in Washington, D.C. on his near-death experiences - We meet Ben's brother, the Copperhead - Gracie takes some nice photographs of Ben - Ben draws a nice picture of his brother Joe, the Copperhead - Ben draws a picture of the Cat With No Nose Whatsoever - Ben draws a picture of the Fourth of July fireworks - In which Ben goes off to the Veterinarian - Ben goes on a Walkabout and comes back a changed cat, somehow - Ben's recipe for Linzer Tortes - Ben's Lawnmower - Ben is a happy, healthy boy once again - One of Ben's Lippazon Stallions has an embarrassing little accident at school - Ben teaches everybody how to make Paper Cranes for World Peace - Ben plays the Baby Jesus in the Christmas Play - Finally somebody asks the question: where exactly is Ben's Native Land? - Idle Cats - A Most Reprehensible Habit - Class Pictures - Ben convinces a furniture salesman that he is an heir - Ben explains how to evaluate a turkey call - Recipe for Ben's Native Land Stuffed Jerboa Skins - Recipe for Ben's Holiday Spam Pie - Recipe for Ben's Tasty Snack Cubes - Recipe for Ben's Mouse Liver Pâté - ill-constructed sentences: the fossil - ill-constructed sentences: the cart mules - ben, gracie, and snooples are contestants in a game show Buffalo Ben Carhartt The Bare Ben Facts Whence Ben's Native Land (somewhere out past the back yard) Born January 1998 Profession - Jazz trumpet player Culinary Preferences Cellophane Activities - Expounding upon his Native Land reload for more photos of Ben Heard on the Street "I can tell you that there are more car tires at the bottoms of ponds than could be understood in anyone's philosophy. The deeper the descent, the more ancient the watermark did bear these cast-off shoes of progress. Nearing the end of my leaden journey, slender vintage rubber artifacts of the era of Henry Ford gave way to rusted wagon wheels and ox shoes.Presently, the ghostly stern of a large ship came into view. Poignant, nondescript choral music began playing somewhere behind and to my left. My first notion was that this was the fabled Vasa. But no, that could not be. After all, Camp Wannabee Pond is only 100 yards in diameter and 13 feet deep at epicenter. This was indeed the fabled SS Edmund Fitzgerald full of little iron pellets." home | gracie's world | the chickenloaf papers | the ceaseless torture of adulthood | plants | the cats | e-mail marel trout Tuesday, January 21, 2025 © Marel Trout file under blithe pasquinade hosted by and powered by macromedia coldfusion
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